Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Canada Day patriotic thoughts by @NNP_W_Light

"Canada was built around a very simple premise. A promise that you can work hard and succeed and build a future for yourselves and your kids, and that future for your kids would be better than the one you had." ~ Justin Trudeau

Yesterday was Canada Day and Canadians all over the world celebrate the 152nd birth of this great nation. Sure, Canada is fairly young as a nation but we're a great one too. 

I'm proud to be a Canadian. I'm proud that one can speak their mind about their leaders without censure. I'm proud anyone can marry anyone. I'm proud everyone is free. I'm proud of our immigration policy and hope our borders continue to be open to anyone around the world but specifically those persecuted. I'm proud the Canadian Dream is alive and well. Anyone who works hard can succeed. 

Look, I know our government isn't perfect and our Parliament has made some mistakes. But they're trying and that's all anyone can ask. I know I can pick up the phone and talk to my MP/MPP. I can make my voice heard. 

Every citizen should feel this way about their country. If not, maybe it's time to raise your voice with others and change the regime. Don't be passive and give up. You have the power. 

Happy belated Canada Day to all the Canadians reading this. Let's be proud of our great country. 


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