Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Share your support for causes. . . by @NNP_W_Light

Share your support for things that matter to you. ~ N. N. Light

In the digital age, it's easier than ever to show your support to the causes which matter to you. Social media gives every single person a voice.

Are you using your voice to show support for what matters to you?

There are alot of causes I support but one of the most important is the care and feeding of those in need. Men, women and children right in my neighbourhood don't have enough to eat. They're struggling to make ends meet and often need the help of food banks/pantries to survive. Now politicians want to take away the funding to line their own pockets or in my province's case, to have beer available for sale in corner stores.

We show our support for the homeless and those in need every chance we get. We talk about the need to donate food, clothing, money and time. We share our experiences with our own food bank and how we give so that little children in our neighbourhood have food to eat. We even wrote Princess of the Light to shed light on the plight of the homeless.

We also believe in equality for all, especially when it comes to love. June is Pride month and we up our support of the lgbtq+ community. Love is love, no matter who you love. No one has the right to mock who you love or care about.

Are you giving voice to your beliefs or are you scared?

I'm not here to force you to go out into the streets and scream what matters to you. What I am saying is it's time to share your support for causes you deem important. Sure, people will dismiss you and some may ever call you names. Don't let it silence your voice. When we band together, our voices boom across the land and create change.


1 comment:

  1. My mantra is "One planet, One people!" We're all beautiful. When I start to voice my beliefs, my kids groan (with a smile). When they were very young, they called it, 'Mom's standing on her soap box preaching again.' :) Thankfully, they have all grown up to voice their concerns and beliefs about caring for others. I'm in awe of them. Great post!


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