Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Don't panic! Take a new approach @NNP_W_Light

"Panic causes tunnel vision. Calm acceptance of danger allows us to more easily assess the situation and see the options." ~ Simon Sinek

When an unexpected catastrophe happens, is your first instinct to panic?

Sunday evening was a little eventful for me. As MR N was finishing up his weekly fantasy baseball report to send out to the league, we heard a loud pop. We both looked out our windows (where the sound came from) and wondered what the sound was. I looked back at the television to find a black screen. No power in 2/3 of our apartment. The kitchen's power was still on, thank goodness. But we had no tv, no internet, no wi-fi, no lights. 

As minutes slipped by to an hour and still nothing, panic slid up and down my spine. I drove it down because I needed to stay calm. I called the electric company as well as our landlord. I had to have faith it was going to be fixed soon. Instead of focusing on our ruined night, we played Monopoly. It was a good distraction until the clock turned to 9 pm. Two hours and still no power. 

My self control slipped and I started to panic. My stomach felt like it was tied in knots and my body broke out in sweats. I closed my eyes and tried to meditate. I needed a distraction. So I lit two candles in the living room and MR N put on an old radio program CD. We listened to the comedy and started to laugh. It was the perfect distraction. The electricity was restored in twenty minutes. 

When something unexpected happens, do you panic or do you try to find a solution?

Listen, there are some things which are out of our control. Like the quote at the top says, when you panic, all you can see is your panic. It's only when you stay calm that solutions appear and you're able to stay level-headed about the situation. 

The next time something happens, take my advice and take a different approach. Shove down your panic and calmly access the situation. You might be surprised by how quick an outcome appears. 

How do you handle crisis? I'd love to know.


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