Monday, November 4, 2019

Anyone can hold a grudge, but takes a person with character to forgive...

Anyone can hold a grudge, but takes a person with character to forgive. When you forgive, you release yourself from a painful burden. Forgiveness doesn’t mean what happened was okay, and it doesn’t mean that person should still be welcome in your life. It just means you have made peace with the pain, and are ready to let it go.

Are you holding onto a grudge?

Has a person wronged you and you're wishing bad things to happen to them?

I'm a big believer of forgiveness and I just discovered a new way to forgive.

Ask/Pray/Meditate for something good to happen to the person who wronged you.

I know it sounds crazy but here me out. When you put aside the pain and transfer your energy to blessing them, your soul heals. You let go of the boulder strapped across your back. You allow the Universe to take control and become the embodiment of unconditional love.

Does that mean what the person did was okay?

NO! In fact, I'm sure the Universe knows exactly what he/she did and will take the correct action.

But why would I want good things to happen to my enemy?

Deep in your heart, you know how exhausting it is to carry around all that pain. release yourself from it and move on.

I've tried this and it really works!

Forgiveness means you have made peace with the pain and are ready to let it go.

Be free!


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