Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Be positive because the alternative is...

Don't see everyone's flaws. Don't listen to everything you're told. Don't speak if it's not kind. Always look for the good in people. Not everything is truth; Only speak words of kindness.

I get asked a lot, "How can you be so positive?"

I smile and say, "Because the alternative is worse."

Some people smile and know exactly what I mean.  Others scratch their head not understanding.

When I say the alternative is worse, I am referring to death.  I have lived a hard life and I have had a few close calls with death.  I am lucky to be alive.  THAT is what I mean.  The alternative is much much worse.

I love this quote.  It illustrates for me how easy it is to be kind and to live life positively.  So many people these days try to make life so complicated.  It doesn't have to be that way!  In fact, people make their lives more complicated.

The solution?  Be kind.  See the good in others.  Try to be good yourself.  Have a positive outlook.

Today, be aware of what is going on within you and around you.  Be kind to others.  Smile.  Be positive.  Write down your observations and see what happens when you are positive.


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