Friday, July 12, 2019

Focus on what makes us human @NNP_W_Light

No two leaves are alike, and yet there is no antagonism between them or the branches on which they grow. – Gandhi 


This word has been running around my head the past few days. We are all equal. Each of us has a brain, heart and body. We feel love, hope, pain and grief. So why is there such animosity in the human race?

We are all equal in the eyes of the Universe.


Each person is a leaf on the big tree of Life. Some get more sun then others. Some change direction. Some are attached and some are not. Some blow one way and some blow another.

No two leaves are alike,

and yet there is no antagonism

between them or between

the branches on which they grow.

Focus on what makes us human instead of focusing on what makes us different. We are all equal and to me, that is what it means to be human.

Mrs. N

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