Tuesday, July 9, 2019

When the world says no, say yes! @NNP_W_Light

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. – Christian D. Larson

Growing up, I heard no a lot.  Don't touch that.  No, you can't go there.  No, you can't have that toy.  No, you can't draw properly.  No, you can't be a part of our clique.

At times, I needed to hear the word no.  I learned to not touch a hot pot or the stove.  I learned artwork is for looking, not touching.  I learned the value of money and in order to get the toy/book I wanted, I had to earn it.

But there were some no's that were told to me for negative reasons.  A teacher telling me I couldn't draw.  The popular girls at school telling me I couldn't be their friend. People telling me I couldn't do something. No. No. No. No.

Every time I heard the word no, my skin prickled.  I got tired of people telling me I couldn't do or be something.  I looked deep inside myself and there sitting in my heart was...


What is determination?  

Determination is the belief in yourself and your abilities.  Determination is shutting out the negative voices and moving forward.  Determination is looking obstacles in the eye and saying loud enough for them to hear, "YES I CAN!"

Are you facing a few obstacles in your life and the word No?

You are filled with strength and you can do it.  Don't listen to the No's.  When the world says NO, believe in yourself and all that you are.


What do you do when faced with a world of no?

Mrs. N

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