Thursday, September 12, 2019

In the midst of pain, embrace gratitude #grateful

When life goes sideways and you're in the midst of chaos, embrace gratitude. 

Boy, what a week! Monday I went grocery shopping. While bagging up my groceries, I tweaked my back. I didn't think much about it at the time but later, the pain overwhelmed me. Tuesday, I woke up and got out out bed. Searing pain ripped through my ribcage and back. I could barely breathe. Sitting, standing, laying down... everything hurt. I closed my eyes and tried to even my breathing.

Who knew I'd be grateful for the ability to take a deep breath and raise my right arm over my head without pain? 

It turns out I partially tore my inter coastal muscle (muscles lining my ribs). It is a long healing process but I am healing.

Yesterday was an epiphany for me. Instead of complaining about the immense pain, I embraced it. I focused my brain on the simple things I'm grateful for. I took care of myself, watching the transitions from sitting to standing and taking things slow. By doing this, I allowed gratitude to wash over me. When it didn't hurt to stand or sit, I took it as a victory.

Are you going through a hardship and not knowing what to do?

Instead of constantly focusing on the pain, allow gratitude to ease your pain. Concentrate on four or five simple things you're grateful for. Utter them under your breath when amongst people and speak them aloud when you're alone. You'll be surprised by what happens.

Blessings to you,


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