Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Let's talk work ethic... by @NNP_W_Light

“The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”― John Wooden

How's your work ethic? Is it the same or different when people are watching?

Yesterday, I watched as an asphalt crew patched the parking lot of the building where I live. Mid-morning, five of the six men went on a coffee run. The remaining man was tasked with filling the holes with gravel then raking it flat.

He picked up the rake, turned his head left then right before setting it down. He picked up the shovel, looked all around then set it down. He shifted his feet then pulled out his phone to text someone or scroll. He didn't bother to do any actual work, just made it seem like he was working.

A thought struck me as I watched him. Work ethic.

I'm what's known as an independent worker. I prefer to work alone. Once given a task, I work away until the job is finished. I take pride in my ability to complete something by only being told once.

My work ethic I learned from my maternal grandfather. He worked hard his whole life. He was the first to share the above quote with me. This is what he told me again and again:

"It doesn't matter whether the whole world is watching or no one. Do your best and you'll be rewarded." 

I have certain clients who aren't on Twitter. When they sign up for a promotion, it comes with five tweets. I could be like the paving worker and not do it. The client would never know. But here's the kicker: I would. My work ethic prevents me from doing something halfway. It's all the way or not at all.

When you're tasked with a job, work hard as if the world is watching. Develop your work ethic so it becomes a part of you. Take my grandfather's advice and do your best. 


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