Thursday, September 26, 2019

When crabbiness hits you... @NNP_W_Light

Look out everybody! I’m gonna to be crabby for the rest of the day!!! – Lucy from Peanuts cartoon

Ever had one of those days when the world is ganging up on you and you want to scream like Lucy?

Hey, I have those days too. I would much rather be by myself or put a sign up letting everyone know that I am going to be crabby.

It's the end of September and there are so many things going on.  Don't get me wrong, I love being busy. But every once in awhile, stress tips the scales and it comes pouring out.

What do you do when that happens?

For me, the best thing I can do is to talk about it (or write).  Get it out of your body and you will start to feel better!  Let someone help you carry the load and infuse some much-needed Light into your soul.

You will be refreshed and will be ready to take on anything.

It's either that or yell at people like Lucy.


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