Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Overcome shyness by doing this... @NNP_W_Light

Are you holding yourself back because of your shyness?

Ever since I was little, I've been shy. I think it might have started in the first grade. It was the first time I was asked to speak in front of the whole class. I remember waking up feeling like a slew of butterflies were flying against my rib cage. I couldn't eat, couldn't talk. My mom tried to ease my anxiety but it didn't help. When I got to school, it got worse. By the time it was my turn to speak in class, my tongue swelled and my head spun. I grabbed ahold of the teacher's desk so I didn't pass out. Instead of looking out at the audience, I looked down at my shoes. I mumbled through my speech and when I was done, I rushed out of the classroom in horror. I had a bladder accident and terrified.

Ever since then, speaking in public has been difficult. Go figure.

Twenty years ago, I got the opportunity to speak at a book conference. I was petrified. Flashes of that horrible first grade speech flashed in front of me. While I hyperventilated backstage, a hand rested on my shoulder. I looked up into the eyes of Jonathan Kellerman, the bestselling mystery author. My jaw dropped. He started a conversation about books and before I knew it, my anxiety disappeared. He walked on stage with me and introduced me to the crowd. I gave my speech with no accidents or passing out. It was an amazing experience and I have Mr. Kellerman to thank. His compassion brought me out of my shyness and distracted me from my inner demons.

Overcome shyness by getting involved in something you're passionate about so you forget to be afraid.

This is exactly what happened to me and I am proof positive it works. When you're engrossed in something you love, your zeal will squash your shyness. It may still feel weird, at first, but you'll get used to it. Your shyness won't hold you back and you'll be able to do the things you want to do.

How do you overcome shyness? 

Share below. I'm always looking for new tricks.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

You have the power! @NNP_W_Light

But even with the inspiration of others, it's understandable that we sometimes think the world's problems are so big that we can do little to help. On our own, we cannot end wars or wipe out injustice, but the cumulative impact of thousands of small acts of goodness can be bigger than we imagine. ~ Queen Elizabeth II

Did you know you have the power to change the world?

I'm a big believer in the impact of several small acts of kindness and how, when millions of people come together for a cause, great things happens. I've been witness to a multitude of world-changing events. I've seen first-hand how one person's idea for change can grow to a movement. 

When we first started the POTL blog back in 2014, it was just MR N and myself sharing our vision of what the world would look like if everyone spread the Light and showed compassion to those in need. It blossomed into a movement. Five years later, there are millions of people spreading the Light and asking others to do the same. I'm too humble to take credit for this change but I'm thrilled to be a part of it.

There will be people who will scoff at your idea or your actions. They'll try to put you down saying you don't have the power to make change. Don't listen to them! They're afraid of your power and will do/say anything to squash you. Don't let them steal your power. Instead, combine your efforts with others to make real change.

What are you going to do today to change the world? 

You have the power. All you have to do is harness it.


Monday, July 29, 2019

5 things I learned on vacation @NNP_W_Light

“Sometimes, the most productive thing that you can do is to step outside and do nothing... relax and enjoy nature.” ― Melanie Charlene

I am back from my summer vacation and I feel so relaxed, so rested. When trying to remember all the things I did while on vacation to tell my friends and family, five life lessons popped into my head. I'd like to share them with you.

1. Leave your device at home and unplug. I can't tell you how rejuvenating it was to not have to look at a screen for ten blissful days. My eyes ceased burning and my vision was no longer blurry. My mind floated on a bed of fluffy clouds and the most it had to do was choose what to eat for each meal. Ahhh.

2. Greet everyone with a smile. I walked around and said hello to everyone I met, including the staff. Why? It's a small act of kindness which reaps huge benefits. I am no better than the housekeeping staff yet most people don't agree. Even if you believe you're better than the maid who cleans your room, show some compassion and thank them for a job well done. Trust me, a tiny drop of kindness goes a long way.

3. Go with the flow. No matter what happens on your vacation, don't fly off the handle. Things out of your control happen. For a full day, the cable television stopped working. We calmly contacted the front desk who contacted the cable company. Did we freak out when the tv stopped working? No, we turned on the radio and read the paper. We took an extra whirlpool bath and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. Go with the flow.

4. Naps are healing therapy. I can't tell you how many naps I took on my vacation but trust me when I say a lot. 😂 Naps are healthy for your mind, body and soul. They allow you to relax and rejuvenate. The stress oozes out of you and you'll feel like a king or queen.

5. Tip generously. Before we left for vacation, we had a co-worker tell us we over tip. I say, there's no such thing. There are people in the hospitality industry who work hard for very little money. We budget tips into our vacation budget so we can over tip. Our generosity not only gives us incredible service and catered attention but we're helping those who work hard to make our vacation the best it can be. If you can't afford to tip generously, you might want to rethink your vacation plans.

I hope you'll take these lessons to heart and use them the next time you take a vacation or travel someplace. Or better yet, use these bits of advice in your everyday life. They apply to anyone at anytime.

Have a life lesson to share? I'd love to hear it.


Thursday, July 18, 2019

I'm on summer holidays #vacation

"A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in." Robert Orben 

After a year filled with new adventures, immense growth to our business and overwhelming success, we're taking a full ten days off and escaping to our summer oasis. We (just Mr. N and myself)need time to reconnect, relax, and pamper each other. No devices, no screens to look at, we're fully unplugging. 

I'll be back on July 29.

Stay inspired, my friends.

Mrs. N

The heart is like a garden... @NNP_W_Light

The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there? – Buddha

What seeds are you planting in your heart?







Your heart is like a garden and whatever you concentrate on will be sown.

I must admit when I make a mistake or mess up, my natural reaction is to beat myself up. I spew out hurtful and harmful words to myself, calling myself stupid or ignorant. It's something I'm working on and I have to fight against my own insecurities.

MR N told me the other day, "I wish you would show yourself the same compassion and kindness you show others."

It made me stop and think.

Why don't I?

I am going to try to sow seeds of compassion when it comes to my own self. I don't want to have bitterness and pain sprout from my heart. I only want to be filled with love, compassion and kindness.

Are there seeds of doubt and resentment growing in your heart?

Start today and weed out what you don't want in your heart. Just remember to pull everything out, including the roots.

The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?

Mrs. N

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Do you follow the Golden Rule? @NNP_W_Light

In the end, nothing we do or say in our lifetime will matter as much as the way we have loved one another. – Daphne Rose Kingman

What's the most important thing we do in our lifetime?

Love one another.

I'm a firm believer in the Golden Rule (treat others like you would like to be treated). I try to spread kindness and love to everyone I know, meet and interact with. I smile at the person who cuts me off in line. I love people who hate me. I encourage those who need it, even without them telling me.

Why do I do this?

I was taught from the time I was small to love everyone, no matter what. It didn't matter if the person I loved reciprocated or deserved my love. I couldn't control anyone but myself.

I've had friends come and go in my life. Even though they aren't in my life anymore, I still love them.

I know what you're thinking...

C'mon MRS N, nobody is that perfect! Don't you get hurt or angry when people leave you or lash out at you?

Sure, I do but that doesn't mean I don't love them. I'm human and I make mistakes. I cry and curse. But when the dust has settled and I meditate/pray about it, love comes pouring out of me. It's who I am as a person, at my core.

What's the most important thing you do in your lifetime?

In the end, nothing we do or say in our lifetime will matter as much as the way we have loved one another.

Mrs. N

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Let your Light shine! @NNP_W_Light

‘Cause there’s a spark in you. You just gotta ignite the light. And let it shine.

What is the secret to life?


Every human being on this planet has a spark of Light inside them. Some keep it hidden, some don't know it exists and some let it shine. The difference between those who keep it hidden and those who let it shine is clearly seen in their outlook on life. Those who are content and happy are those people who let their Light shine.

Think about people you admire and love. Something drew you to them; they have a special something you can't explain. Psst, it's their spark.

When I let my Light shine, I'm my most happiest. I feel at peace and smile.

Are you hiding your Light or are you letting it shine?

Mrs. N

Monday, July 15, 2019

Let go of exhaustion and breathe in @NNP_W_Light

I let go of exhaustion and allow peace and tranquility into my life.

Are you exhausted? Do you wake up tired, wanting only to go back to bed?

For the past week, I have woken up tired. I look in my reflection, only to see black circles and lines of fatigue around my eyes. My summer vacation starts Thursday at 5:00 pm and it can't come soon enough. I have never worked so hard in my life. MR N is going through the same thing.

How do I combat fatigue?

Every weekend, MR N and I go out to sit together in our solarium. We try to do it as the sun is setting and sit out there for a full thirty minutes. Sometimes we talk but sometimes we don't. I take deep meditative breaths and let go of the day. I clear my head and can feel the exhaustion seep out of my pores.

Life can get busy and many of us try to deal with it. Some exercise, some party, some ignore it, etc. I've found the best thing that works for me is relaxation. When I am sitting down with nothing to do but watch the outside world (trees, birds, kids playing, trains), my mind shuts off and my body relaxes.

How about you? How do you relax?

It doesn't matter what you do; all that matters is that you relax. When you give yourself permission to let go, you'll find the exhaustion leaving you.

Mrs. N

Friday, July 12, 2019

Focus on what makes us human @NNP_W_Light

No two leaves are alike, and yet there is no antagonism between them or the branches on which they grow. – Gandhi 


This word has been running around my head the past few days. We are all equal. Each of us has a brain, heart and body. We feel love, hope, pain and grief. So why is there such animosity in the human race?

We are all equal in the eyes of the Universe.


Each person is a leaf on the big tree of Life. Some get more sun then others. Some change direction. Some are attached and some are not. Some blow one way and some blow another.

No two leaves are alike,

and yet there is no antagonism

between them or between

the branches on which they grow.

Focus on what makes us human instead of focusing on what makes us different. We are all equal and to me, that is what it means to be human.

Mrs. N

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Are you content? by @NNP_W_Light

A contented heart is a calm sea in the midst of all storms.

Are you content?

In this day and age, it goes against our nature to be content with what we have and who we are. We must have the latest fashion, houses, cars, careers... the list goes on and on.

I just read the latest trend in houses: two kitchens. One is for show and the other one is for use. I shake my head because I bet the homeowners do not have contentment.

A contented heart is a calm sea in the midst of all storms.

I am content because I have everything I could possibly want:

A roof over my head

Food to eat

A man I love

A career I'm proud of

Friends and family I love

If something happened and I lost it all (home, food, career, friends, family), I would be content living under a bridge with MR N. I'm a simple woman and my soul is filled contentment.

When life throws you a curveball, does your soul become your lifeboat and you float along until the storm passes? Or do you drown in the storm?

Fill your soul with contentment and surround yourself with what really matters. Everything else is just fluff anyway.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Embrace your fear today! @NNP_W_Light

The amazing can only be created by facing fear, risk and failure during the process.

Do you have a fear of failure?

Many writers/artists do and I used to. Well, if I'm honest, I still do. No one likes to fail.

Anything worth doing has risk and the potential for failure. It's how it works.
This year, I've pushed myself and our business in new directions. The monthly author events is one of those projects which pushed me to the brink. I had never done this kind of thing before and let me tell you, fear kept nudging me.

You can't do this.

You'll be a failure and will be the laughing-stock of the blog community.

You'll look like a fool.

You're no good and all you'll be is a quitter.

On and on it went, but I stuck with it. By May, I was ready to quit. No one would blame me, if I quit.

But I would know.

So, I continued. I pushed through and I am so glad I did. We're halfway through the year and our reputation has grown exponentially. Sure, it's a lot of hard work but the results are worth it.

I faced failure in the face and instead of quitting, I winked.

Failure isn't the big bad monster everyone says. Even if I had quit, I would have survived. But I stayed the course and I defeated my fear.

Are you facing failure in the face in the midst of life's challenges?

The amazing can only be created by facing fear, risk and failure during the process!


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

When the world says no, say yes! @NNP_W_Light

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. – Christian D. Larson

Growing up, I heard no a lot.  Don't touch that.  No, you can't go there.  No, you can't have that toy.  No, you can't draw properly.  No, you can't be a part of our clique.

At times, I needed to hear the word no.  I learned to not touch a hot pot or the stove.  I learned artwork is for looking, not touching.  I learned the value of money and in order to get the toy/book I wanted, I had to earn it.

But there were some no's that were told to me for negative reasons.  A teacher telling me I couldn't draw.  The popular girls at school telling me I couldn't be their friend. People telling me I couldn't do something. No. No. No. No.

Every time I heard the word no, my skin prickled.  I got tired of people telling me I couldn't do or be something.  I looked deep inside myself and there sitting in my heart was...


What is determination?  

Determination is the belief in yourself and your abilities.  Determination is shutting out the negative voices and moving forward.  Determination is looking obstacles in the eye and saying loud enough for them to hear, "YES I CAN!"

Are you facing a few obstacles in your life and the word No?

You are filled with strength and you can do it.  Don't listen to the No's.  When the world says NO, believe in yourself and all that you are.


What do you do when faced with a world of no?

Mrs. N

Monday, July 8, 2019

Are you chasing your dreams? by @NNP_W_Light

Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.

What are your dreams?  Are you chasing them or are you stuck in place?

Dreams can be scary.  They take us out of our comfort zone and sometimes the fear stops us from achieving our dreams.

My dream of being a published author was a scary ride but I wouldn't change it for the world. I learned so much.  I've met some incredible people. It brought me to where I am today, helping writers and authors achieve their dreams. 

There comes a time when you have to decide if your desire is stronger than your fear.  Only you can make that decision.  If you decide to forgo your fear, you are one step closer to living your dream.  I encourage you to focus on your dream and your fear will fade.

Mrs. N

Friday, July 5, 2019

What will people remember about you? @NNP_W_Light

Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you. ~ Shannon Adler

The major league baseball world was stunned when pitcher Tyler Skaggs was found unresponsive in his hotel room early this week. His death shook everyone including his wife, his family, his friends and his teammates. He was only twenty-seven. My thoughts and prayers go out to Tyler Skaggs' wife and family. Tyler was a selfless man who loved to laugh, so his teammates say. 

While this is a tragedy and no one knows what happened, his death reminds us all that life is short and we never know when our number will be called. It's so important to live life to the fullest as well as to tell people you love them. 

If today was your last day on this planet, what would your legacy be? What would people remember about you?

I hope people will remember me for my kindness, my smile and my generous nature. I hope people will say to themselves, "She lived a full life without regrets."

What's your legacy?

Go out into the world today and make your legacy known. Don't be known as someone who ignored what was important. Live without regrets. 


Thursday, July 4, 2019

Take time to unplug by @NNP_W_Light #4thofjuly

Are you taking time to unplug, fully relax and just enjoy the moment?

Last night, we watched a couple episodes of The Andy Griffith Show. In one of the episodes, a gentleman's car breaks down two miles outside of Mayberry. He walks into town and asks Sheriff Taylor to take him to a mechanic to get his car fixed. He's in a big hurry and needs to get home right away. 

Andy Taylor tries to explain to the gentleman that since it's Sunday, no one is working and even the phone line is tied up. The gentleman frets and tries his best to get his car fixed but to no avail. No one will listen to him and instead of relaxing, eating Aunt Bea's fine cooking and unplugging, he paces and lashes out. It isn't until Gomer fixes his car and the Taylors heap kindness on him, he finally understands what it means to unplug and just be in the moment.

After watching this poignant episode, I realized we, as a people, need to unplug more. Sometimes it takes an event like a car breaking down for us to see the value in putting down our devices and being in the moment.

Instead of walking down the street with our eyes on our device, look up at the trees, birds and sounds of nature. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Slow down and just be in the moment.

Happy 4th of July to all our American friends and followers.

Mrs. N

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Are your patience wearing thin? @NNP_W_Light

Are you struggling with something today?  Are your patience wearing thin?

Patience is a trait I always seem to be working on.  I'm not very patient and I have to force myself to be patient.

I read this quote and it really spoke to me this morning.  A light came on in my head and I realized I was approaching patience in the wrong way.

Patience is not the ability to wait.  We all do that, no matter if it's waiting in traffic or in line at a store.  Patience is the ability to keep smiling while waiting.

Keep smiling!  It not only makes the wait seem shorter, it improves your attitude too.


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Canada Day patriotic thoughts by @NNP_W_Light

"Canada was built around a very simple premise. A promise that you can work hard and succeed and build a future for yourselves and your kids, and that future for your kids would be better than the one you had." ~ Justin Trudeau

Yesterday was Canada Day and Canadians all over the world celebrate the 152nd birth of this great nation. Sure, Canada is fairly young as a nation but we're a great one too. 

I'm proud to be a Canadian. I'm proud that one can speak their mind about their leaders without censure. I'm proud anyone can marry anyone. I'm proud everyone is free. I'm proud of our immigration policy and hope our borders continue to be open to anyone around the world but specifically those persecuted. I'm proud the Canadian Dream is alive and well. Anyone who works hard can succeed. 

Look, I know our government isn't perfect and our Parliament has made some mistakes. But they're trying and that's all anyone can ask. I know I can pick up the phone and talk to my MP/MPP. I can make my voice heard. 

Every citizen should feel this way about their country. If not, maybe it's time to raise your voice with others and change the regime. Don't be passive and give up. You have the power. 

Happy belated Canada Day to all the Canadians reading this. Let's be proud of our great country.