Friday, August 30, 2019

Be a kindness confetti canyon @NNP_W_Light

Kindness is your soul’s way of finding a place inside other people’s hearts. It is a shelter fortified in gratitude.

Are you a kindness confetti canyon?

On Twitter, fellow followers launch confetti in the air with their own virtual confetti canyon whenever something exciting happens.  When I saw this quote, I thought immediately about my own confetti canyon.  I try to show encouragement and kindness to everyone I meet.  It doesn't take any effort but it makes a huge difference.

When you are kind to someone, you are opening a door to their soul and even if they don't tell you they are grateful.

Kindness is another way to spread the Light.  

What are you waiting for?  

Smile at people today, be kind, hug those you love and wish everyone you meet to have a great day!  

Spread that kindness around like a confetti canyon.


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Take this advice from Mr. N @NNP_W_Light

Worrying doesn't do anything except distract you from getting a job done. – Mr. N

Are you worrying about things that are out of your control?

Worrying doesn't lead to happiness. All it leads to stress and unhappiness.

Yesterday, I felt like the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. From the time I started working (8:00 am) until the time MR N came home from work, I was an hour behind. I had a to-do list a mile long and kept whispering, "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date."

I had a choice. I could worry about how I was going to get everything done before 5:30 pm or I could work through my list, one item at a time.

Which one do you think I chose?

I went with the latter and it worked. Even though it felt like I was constantly behind, eventually I caught up and at 5:30 pm, I completed everything on my to-do list.

Worrying doesn't do anything except distract you from getting a job done.

Take MR N's advice: you never have to worry; all is in control.


Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Answer this very important question @NNP_W_Light

When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, “My purpose is to… today”.

Everyone has a purpose.  I have a purpose.  You have a purpose.  The person down the street has a purpose.

Read the quote above and complete the statement:

My purpose is to...

Don't know how to answer it?  Here are a few suggestions:

-spread the Light

-love unconditionally

-be kind

-encourage others

-pray for the world

-volunteer somewhere

-donate food, clothing, time to a local food bank/pantry

-smile brightly

-write a book

-start a blog

-start an online petition about a cause you believe in

No matter what your purpose is, get going.

Mrs. N

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Before you explode like a battery... @NNP_W_Light

Before the pressure and stress gets the best of you, take a mental health break. 

Last week, we had a funny thing happen. We were watching college football when we started smelling an odd smell. It got stronger and stronger until it made my stomach wretch. What was it? A battery in our remote control exploded. We concluded it must've been the last heat wave which caused the explosion. It got me thinking...

Most of us, at one time or another, have leaked acid all over the place due to stress. We snap at our loved ones, friends, co-workers, pets and it causes our stomachs to clench. The various pressures in our lives get the best of us and we're left to wonder what went wrong.

My solution: take a mental health break. 

Last Friday, MR N and I took a mental health day off. We alerted our bosses as well as our clients. We took three naps, ate delicious yet simple food, watched television, read and had a lovely time off. We didn't talk about work at all. We also rested and took it easy on Saturday and Sunday. It was exactly what we needed.

So take my advice and do some self-care before you explode. 


Monday, August 26, 2019

Gimme 45 seconds... by @NNP_W_Light

A popular team-building exercise is sharing. Everyone takes turns standing up and sharing something about themselves people don't know. Not only does it build trust but it's a great way to connect with others. Professional sports teams like the Montreal Alouettes use this technique and it got me thinking.

What would I share? 

There's so much that people don't know about me. Do I share something positive or something negative? Do I share an aha moment? Yes, that's a good idea. An aha moment.

When I was in the eighth grade, I was living with my mother in a townhouse. My mother was struggling to make ends meet and couldn't afford the hot water bill. Instead of swallowing her pride and asking her parents for help, we went without hot water. I took a cold shower/bath every day for the year. I felt such shame and didn't understand why my mother couldn't pay the water. I made a promise to myself that barring a natural disaster, I will always have enough money to pay the hot water bill.

What did I learn from this?

Pride doesn't keep you warm at night and it's okay to ask for help when you need it.

What's your 45 seconds share?

I'd love to hear it. Share in the comments below.

Instead of hiding behind a facade, share something personal with others. You'll find it strengthens your work/personal relationship. 


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Let the teachers of life guide you @NNP_W_Light

The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see. – Alexandra K. Trenfor

There have been many teachers in my life (love, loss, hardship, heartbreak, depression, elation, etc.) and with each lesson, I learned new ways to spread the Light.  When I lost my first job, I didn't know where to turn.  I struggled to make ends meet but God provided.  I look back and think to myself how much I have grown since then.

Are you dealing with a hardship or obstacle?  Is it dark and you don't know how you are going to make it through?

Close your eyes and concentrate on the Light inside you.  Believe in yourself and the Light.

Do you know someone who is going through a hard time?

Encourage them and shine your Light on them.

Life is filled with dark storms and many people are shrouded in darkness.  Your Light is the only lifeline they have. 

Mrs. N

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

When you feel like a zombie... @NNP_W_Light

“And more than that, she just looked… tired. Like she’d battled the world and the world had won.” ― Sara Shepard

I woke up this morning and didn't want to get out of bed. Every muscle in my body ached and the last thing I wanted to do was face the day. But since I didn't have a choice, I stumbled out of bed and walked to the washroom. I looked in the mirror and looked like death warmed over. I was the epitome of the quote above.

What do you do when you're so exhausted, you look and feel like an extra on the show The Walking Dead

I remember a lyric from a song.

"Put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking out the door."

There are some days when it's a battle of wills to just get out of bed. The world has kicked your bum and you're aching all over. You're mentally and physically exhausted, not knowing if you can go on. It's moments like these when you need to summon your inner strength and put one foot in front of the other. You may not feel like doing it but you will feel better after you try.

Another option is to take a Mental Health Day. Both MR N and I are taking Friday off from work and our business. We're going to sleep in, rest, relax, rest and just breathe. We might even take an afternoon nap. We need this time off and I'm counting the hours.

Whenever you're exhausted and feeling low, take time for yourself and do what you need to do to rejuvenate yourself. The zombie within will disappear and you'll be ready to take on whatever comes.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Follow the map to your dreams by @NNP_W_Light

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. – Henry David Thoreau

Every one of us has a dream life.  It could be retiring to an island paradise or traveling to Paris.  It could be writing a best-selling novel or composing the next great symphony.  It could be climbing a famous mountain or being one with nature.  It could be getting married and having children.  It could be a dream career or not working at all. 

No matter what it is, I encourage you to run towards your dream life.  Be confident.  Be the person you've always dreamt of being.

I'm thrilled to say that I am living my dream life.  It started the day we started our author promotions business and it continues to this day.  Sure, it is hard work and sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed.  But I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

What is your dream life?  What is it that tugs at your heart? 

Whatever it is, go after it.  You'll regret it if you don't at least try.  It may seem impossible at first but trust me, with confidence and determination, your dream life will become possible.  Once you get a taste of it, you will crave more and dream bigger.

Start today!  


Monday, August 19, 2019

Let love in by @NNP_W_Light #love

Let someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. To believe that you must hide all the parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room. – Mark Hack

Have you been afraid to show someone the "real" you? Have you been hiding your warts for fear of rejection?

Read the quote above.

Now read it again s-l-o-w-l-y.

I used to believe I couldn't show anyone my "dark" side. I was deathly afraid they would laugh at me and leave me. It wasn't until I met MR N that I realized I was doing myself a disservice. My dark side was a part of me and if people couldn't accept it, too bad.

Have you had the same thought?

Newsflash: No one is perfect. Everyone is broken/scarred in some way.

Let people see you for who you are. It's only when you love all the parts of yourself can you let someone else love you.

You are a beautiful person and I love you. Thank you for being you, warts and all.


Friday, August 16, 2019

Roll with the punches... by @NNP_W_Light

I think part of being human is learning to roll with the punches, to deal with any kind of personal or professional disaster that might crop up. You have to learn to deal with that stuff or not survive. ~ Amy Gerstler

When the unexpected happens, do you curl into a ball or do you roll with the punches?

Thursdays are always busy for me. Not only do I have to play domestic goddess but I have a lot of business to attend to. Everything has to happen when expected or else my whole day is thrown off. I'm organized down to the last minute.

Yesterday, my schedule turned upside-down. Through no fault of my own, I was soon behind my times. What to do? What to do?

I rolled with the punches and that mentality helped me to get everything done yesterday without getting too far behind. It's not how I envisioned my Thursday but at the end of the day, it was a success.

We all have instances when something comes up to put a wrench in our plans. We have a choice: complain or figure out a way around it.

Read the above quote and commit those words to memory. Learn to deal with stuff or you won't survive. Roll with the punches, people.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Before you judge someone... @NNP_W_Light

I have learned that a man has the right to look down on another only when he has to help the other get to his feet. -- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

So often, I see people looking down at others, thinking they are better in some way.  The truth is, it is not our place or right to judge others.  In fact, the only time we are allowed to look down at someone is when we are bending down to lift someone up.

Show kindness to everyone you meet and please don't judge them.  You never know what curve ball life can throw you.  Someday it could be you who needs to be given a hand and helped up!


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Feeling overwhelmed? Take @NNP_W_Light's advice

“Take life day by day and be grateful for the little things. Don’t get stressed over what you can’t control.”

Are you feeling overwhelmed? 

Take my advice. 

#1: Breathe. Hyperventilating does nothing to alleviate your stress, only compounds it. Instead, slow down your breathing. Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat until your heartbeat slows down and you feel calmer. 

#2: Be grateful for the simple things in life. When your stress level is pouring out of your pores and all you're focused on is the stress, you have tunnel vision. To get out of that mentality, meditate on three things you're grateful for. Not only will it switch your obsession with the stressful situation, it will calm your spirit. 

#3: Take life day by day. Life is chaotic, especially when you're stressed out. The best thing you can do is make a list of everything you have to accomplish today and then as you work through your list, check off what you've completed. This exercise will compartmentalize your day into a series of smaller tasks. It will ease your stress level because you'll be forced to only concentrate on one thing at a time. 

Stress is a horrid creature and if we don't handle it, it will devour us. I use these actions every single day and they help me keep stress on a leash. 

How do you handle stress? Any tips to conquer stress?


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Never lose your passion... @NNP_W_Light

Enjoy the journey and try to get better every day. And don't lose the passion and the love for what you do. ~ Nadia Comaneci

Have you lost your passion for what you do? 

Maybe it's time to make a change.

Every since I was a little girl, I had a passion for words, more specifically, writing. I loved putting words together and watching people's reactions. As I grew older, I knew I wanted to be a writer. When it came time to publish, I wrote a paranormal romance. I thought since I loved to read it, this is where my destiny would lead me.

As time went on, it became harder and harder to write in the paranormal romance genre. I tried contemporary but still, it was like pulling taffy. Push, pull, yank, push, pull, yank. Without realizing it, I was yanking my passion for writing out of me.

What am I doing wrong?

I started questioning myself and my passion. Maybe I wasn't cut out for writing. But then, I remembered my inspirational thoughts. I wrote one a day for four years. I enjoyed doing it and my words inspired others. Then it hit me. My passion isn't to write mainstream fiction but to inspire others through my words.

See, my passion didn't change, I changed. Instead of trying to force it, I let it happen. I let my passion guide me. Words flowed out of me faster than I could write them down.

Are you struggling like I was?

Maybe it's time to re-acquaint yourself with your passion. Give it the keys to your life and let it guide you through the journey.


Monday, August 12, 2019

Be like the sun... by @NNP_W_Light

When you do something beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps. – John Lennon 

I remember a time in my life where I got up so early in the morning, I saw the sunrise.  It would literally take my breath away.

Spreading the Light and being kind are like the sun rising.  They are beautiful and yet most people miss out on them because they are sleeping.  I get asked a lot, "Why do you do it?  Why are you so kind to people?"

My answer is simple: I do it because it is what I do.  I am a Light Spreader.  It is a part of me and it doesn't matter to me if anyone notices or thanks me.  I don't do it for that.  I spread the Light because it's as natural for me as breathing.

Be like the sun and spread the Light for all to see! You will make a difference even if no one tells you.


Friday, August 9, 2019

Advice to your younger self @NNP_W_Light

What three things would you tell your five year-old self?

#5yearoldselfie was trending on Twitter yesterday and while scrolling through some of the answers, a image of myself at that age flitted across my mind. I was a shy five year old, with my nose in a book.

I've learned so much about life, love and myself over the past four decades. What would I tell my five year-old self?

1. You are beautiful. You are beautiful, inside and out. Never forget that and don't let anyone tell you differently.

2. Shoot for the moon. Your dreams are attainable and you'll never believe what you'll achieve forty years from now.

3. Love with all your heart. I know you've been hurt by others but don't let your heartbreak prevent you from loving others. Love will heal past hurts and will give you the strength to accept the greatest love of all: unconditional love.

What would you tell your five year-old self? 

Take some time to mull it over. I think you'll be surprised by your own advice. In fact, you might even take your own advice and make your current self a better person.


Thursday, August 8, 2019

Find the good in today @NNP_W_Light

Every day may not be good… but there is something good in every day.

Are you having a bad day?

Bad days happen.  I've had my share of bad days and a lot of good days.  It's the fun of life.  The key is to see the good in every day.

I have a friend of mine who is having what could be described as a series of bad days.  I hug her and tell her it will get better.  I pray for her and her family.  I also pray that she sees the good in each and every day.  There is goodness all around, I tell her.

I believe that with every ounce of my being.  Changing your focus from the bad to the good does wonders.  Being grateful for what you have.

Go on, try it! Find the good in each day.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Quotes on Wisdom by @NNP_W_Light

A goal for many of us is to gain wisdom. Whether it is in our personal or professional lives, wisdom guides us. I've compiled some of my favorite quotes on wisdom and want to share them with you.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. ~ Audrey Hepburn

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. ~ Buddha

The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are: Hard work, stick-to-itiveness, and common sense. ~ Thomas A. Edison

We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started. ~ Henry Ward Beecher

We live in a society bloated with data yet starved for wisdom. We're connected 24/7, yet anxiety, fear, depression and loneliness is at an all-time high. We must course-correct. ~ Elizabeth Kapu'uwailani Lindsey

Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization. ~ Bo Bennett

If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. ~ Michael Jordan

The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark. ~ Michelangelo

All things must come to the soul from its roots, from where it is planted. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila

I'd love to know your favorite quotes on wisdom, too. Please share in the comment area below.


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Don't panic! Take a new approach @NNP_W_Light

"Panic causes tunnel vision. Calm acceptance of danger allows us to more easily assess the situation and see the options." ~ Simon Sinek

When an unexpected catastrophe happens, is your first instinct to panic?

Sunday evening was a little eventful for me. As MR N was finishing up his weekly fantasy baseball report to send out to the league, we heard a loud pop. We both looked out our windows (where the sound came from) and wondered what the sound was. I looked back at the television to find a black screen. No power in 2/3 of our apartment. The kitchen's power was still on, thank goodness. But we had no tv, no internet, no wi-fi, no lights. 

As minutes slipped by to an hour and still nothing, panic slid up and down my spine. I drove it down because I needed to stay calm. I called the electric company as well as our landlord. I had to have faith it was going to be fixed soon. Instead of focusing on our ruined night, we played Monopoly. It was a good distraction until the clock turned to 9 pm. Two hours and still no power. 

My self control slipped and I started to panic. My stomach felt like it was tied in knots and my body broke out in sweats. I closed my eyes and tried to meditate. I needed a distraction. So I lit two candles in the living room and MR N put on an old radio program CD. We listened to the comedy and started to laugh. It was the perfect distraction. The electricity was restored in twenty minutes. 

When something unexpected happens, do you panic or do you try to find a solution?

Listen, there are some things which are out of our control. Like the quote at the top says, when you panic, all you can see is your panic. It's only when you stay calm that solutions appear and you're able to stay level-headed about the situation. 

The next time something happens, take my advice and take a different approach. Shove down your panic and calmly access the situation. You might be surprised by how quick an outcome appears. 

How do you handle crisis? I'd love to know.


Friday, August 2, 2019

No one has become poor from giving...

"No one has ever become poor from giving." -- Anne Frank

I am shocked!

I was talking with a few people yesterday about charity. This is how the conversation went.

Woman 1: I'm so tired of all these charities wanting money. Don't they know its hard times?

Me: I know, but its even worse for those families who are poor. Just the other day, I went to the **** food bank and I saw a neighbor of mine. She's a single mum with three young children. I felt so bad for her.

Woman 2: *wrinkles her nose* I don't know how you can go to those places. I'd much rather donate money than go in. *leans in* I could catch something.

Me: *mouth drops to the floor*

Woman 1: I know, it's not my job to help those that can't help themselves.

Woman 2: Amen sister. That's what the church is for.

I'm a Christian and was raised in the church. I was never taught that it was the church's role to help others. In all religions, it teaches believers to help those less fortunate and to be kind. I think many people forget that we're all people, rich and poor, and we all need help sometimes.

Charity begins at home and even if you're struggling with finances you can give a little something. I bet you know someone who is going through hard times. Take that $5 you were going to spend at Starbucks and give it to someone in need. It takes no effort and your kindness will not go unnoticed in Heaven.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Let's talk yearly goals by @NNP_W_Light

Let's talk about your yearly goals.

It's August 1 and we're more than halfway through the year. Time for a little check-in on how our goals for the year are progressing. Have you met any of your goals yet? 

When I wrote down my 2019 goals, I never thought my goals would be met, let alone by August. My professional goals were all about growing the N. N. Light Author Promotions brand and gaining more clients. I'm thrilled with the results but it's been a long time coming.

I've worked my bum off this year and there were times when I thought I might collapse. In the beginning, it was hard to see any results from my efforts. I began to lose my patience but MR N keep me calm and told me to be patient.

Eight months later, and I'm glad I kept calm while waiting. It wasn't easy as I'm prone to rushing ahead and not waiting. I kept my attitude in check and stayed busy. Today, I woke up happy and ready to take on the next project.

How about you? Are you remaining patient while conquering your 2019 goals?

Patience isn't wringing your hands with worry. It's having a good attitude while waiting. Patience is a trait we all must evoke to not only be successful but to be content.